Rhi's E-Portfolio

Life in 5th Grade

This year in 5th grade,I’m having fun.First you have to be responsible.You have to follow the rules in every class.You have to be mature and respectful.You only get a few chances(not much).Well, I have Mrs.Brantley for first period.She is very nice,but don’t get on her bad side .Mrs.Owens for 2nd period.She is my homeroom teacher but everybody has their homeroom for 2nd period. Mrs.Ummel for 3rd period.You will love her(to future 5th graders).Mr.Mac/McBride for 4th period.He is very entertaining and cool.Last but not least,Mrs.McFall.She can be strict at times but,she’s nice.I’m looking forward to,all of the projects that we do.It’s like being at a 5th grade fairyland at times.One of the most important parts of  5th grade is….being quiet at the end of the day when you are lining up to go home.


PS:Don’t be a warhead!!!!Be a sweet tart,and also be good.I hope you enjoy 5th grade!!

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