Hi, my name is Rhi.I’m moving west for a better life. When I lived in Florida my parents died when I was 4. I moved in with my grandmother when I was 5. We moved west to San Fransico. Man, it was a boomtown. I met a boy named James. He was a very rich cowboy. We fell in love and 17 years later we got married. He bought me a beautiful bronco. He always would wear that red and white bandana. About five months later I had my first child. I moved out of the house with my grandmother, and into James’ log cabin. We stayed there for months looking for my aunt. She was MIA. We found her, but it was too late. I then had another child at the age of 24, It was a boy. My family and I moved onto a farm. While I went around looking for schools, James rode the Pony Express looking for people to work on the farm. My husband died and left my family running the farm. I let grandma move in because I needed the company. We are living a great and healthy life. Every once in a while there’s a problem, but other than that we are doing great.
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